Carla is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
How is the studying coming along? I am on a roll and I finally have a date set for my re-match with FAR … December 3rd (thanks to the extended test window).
I am thankful for the few extra days so I don’t have to spend all of the Thanksgiving holiday reviewing deferred tax and present value calculations.
I have to say when I first started studying for FAR again last month, I felt like I was never going to be able to remember everything I needed to know to pass this section. However, I have been relentless in my studies by working MCQs any chance I get and taking countless notes; and I have to say it is paying off. I no longer feel as if I am trying to slay a dragon that is 5,000 feet tall.
It is a great feeling knowing that what once seemed daunting and frightful is actually starting to come together. It’s like working a puzzle that is all sky and clouds … at first the pieces look overwhelming and as if they don’t fit together but the more you work at it and pay close attention to the details the clearer and easier it becomes.
Well NINJAs, sorry for the short post but the Wiley MCQs are calling my name, so I better get back to studying. I only have a few weeks left until exam day and I am hoping Santa brings me an early gift this year … a 75 (or higher) score on FAR!
Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and good luck on your studying and November exams.