Cassandra is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
I began studying for REG with great apprehension. I perceive it to be the hardest exam for me personally, and for some terrible reason, I saved it for last. However, things are going swimmingly well so far!
I have made it through my entire review book, taking detailed notes on each chapter. This is the foundation of my study process. Now, I’m devoting an entire day to each chapter.
Yesterday and today, I’ve been working on the two chapters that deal with individual taxation. Fortunately, I had a great tax professor, so he really prepared me well for this portion of the exam. Although it’s been almost three years since his class, I still remember his tips and tricks.
Like I said, I’m devoting one day to each chapter. I plan to do the following for each chapter: read my detailed notes, complete all MCQs and Sims, and review flashcards. Of course, as I go through the MCQs, I take notes on the questions I miss or jot down important “fact nuggets” I come across.
I also incorporate NINJA Notes and Audio into my daily study regimen. So far so good!
At the beginning of my studying, I was upset because my software license for my review course expired. (My friend, who is taking the exam along with me, also experienced this in our studying for REG.) I worried, trying to figure out my options. If you are in this situation, or might be soon, listen up!
I finally called my review course company. They were very helpful and agreed to extend my license until my REG exam, since it is a minimal amount of time. I advised my friend to do the same. This is the important part: we use two completely separate review courses, but both companies were willing to work with us.
If you’re down to the wire, call your review course company! We might forget it as we shell out our hard-earned money to them, but they are actually here to help us!
Less than a month until I sit for REG. I plan to get through all the MCQs and Sims, then plan to review for 2 weeks. I’ll give an update at review time. In the meantime, good luck with studying, especially those who are anxiously awaiting their scores!
Hi Cassandra... Nice to hear this... However, which review course allowed you and your friend to extend your license? I did my review with Beckers and I pleaded them to extend my license for one month, but they just didn't agree. They said I would have to pay the fees all over again (around $2,200), and when I asked them if I could just purchase one subject, they didn't respond at all... Pretty upsetting experience with Beckers :(
Hello Cassandra, I've got my NTS and the first section I will take is REG. How long have you been studying for it?