REG Results + On a Mission to Defeat AUD

14 Sep 2012


By Isaac

Isaac is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.

I got my REG score yesterday. I received a 68.

I’m quite sad to be honest. My heart sank when I read the score. To be honest, I didn’t feel good about the exam.

I got super easy questions all the way through each testlet. But I still had trouble with the questions. I guess I should have said I got “short” questions, rather than easy. But it seemed like my exam covered more basics.

I had studied the hardest parts of REG, and didn’t focus on some of the simpler topics. That’s a good lesson learned. Don’t lose sight of the big picture.

The basics are just as valuable and just as “testable” as the difficult topics are. I won’t make that mistake again.

I’m keeping my head up. I’m going to put this 68 behind me and move forward. If I give up, then I have failed. But if I keep pressing on, I will be a CPA one day.

I’ve always been intrigued by Navy SEALs. In fact, my hobby is studying Navy SEALs and their history, missions, etc. And yes, I did purchase the new book “No Easy Day”, which has recently played a major part in the news media.

Anyways, I love their perseverance and how they never quit even through helicopter crashes, firefights, broken bones, cold weather, etc. One of their famous quotes that they live by is “The only easy day was yesterday”.

This really rings true for me. It doesn’t get any easier, but I have to keep going. I can’t give up.

My next mission is defeating AUD. I take it again around the middle of October. I am going to study for the next six weeks like a Navy SEAL. I am going to eat this exam for lunch.

AUD will go down this time. In the meantime, please help me pray (if you pray). I really need to stay encouraged.

I know there are many others out there who are in similar situations as me. Sometimes I feel alone, but I know I’m not. Let’s keep fighting everyone. Don’t hang your head low. Be confident in yourself.

And be thankful that we live in a country where we can study and pursue something great like becoming a CPA. Thank you to all the troops who fight each and every day for our freedom.