Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Joe

02 Jan 2014


Joe is a new NINJA CPA Blogger.

Hello NINJAs!

I am (re) beginning my CPA journey in 2014 and I am very happy to have found as a resource and a support system.

Back in 2005-2006 I passed 3 parts of the CPA exam (AUD,REG,BEC). Leaving the hardest for last, I spent months studying for FAR, which I failed with a 73. After feeling completely defeated, I made excuses that I did not need my CPA and have not touched an exam book since.

Even without my CPA, I have been fortunate enough to have a successful career in the accounting industry. After spending several years in a Big 4 firm, I have worked in various industries such real estate, private equity, consumer electronics, and solar construction.

My wife and I recently moved to Colorado from New York for a new job that I absolutely love. We recently had our first child, Ryan, who is a wonderful, vivacious little boy.

I have been out of school for 10 years and not having my CPA license is not acceptable. It is the reason I went to school for accounting and the reason why I took out additional loans to obtain my MBA. I have run out of excuses for not taking this exam, and now I have decided to declare war on the exam.

I am going to take FAR first this time. I plan to take it April 1st with AUD at the end of May. I will keep you updated as I find out how hectic my job will be during our audit.

Now that I have my mind set on retaking the exam, I discovered After reading Jeff’s story as well as some of the Another71 Forum posts I am now 100% committed to passing the exam. It is about time that someone came up with such a great resource for exam students.

I hope to be speaking with everyone very soon and continue to share my experience in 2014 as I begin yet another CPA exam adventure.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.

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Yali 11 years ago

I am with you, I will be taking Far on April 01 and Bec on May 30 !!!!

Meg 11 years ago

Way to go Joe! Go get em! Like you "I am (re) beginning my CPA journey in 2014 and I am very happy to have found as a resource and a support system." I believe I last took the test in 2004." I set my first (FAR) exam for 02/27 but I am not very motivated and going at a very slow pace. Best of Luck to you!