(Re)Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger JoMarie

27 Mar 2012


By jomarie

Hello fellow NINJAs!!

I’m glad the NINJAs have decided to bring blogging back. It keeps me accountable.

Anyways, some of you may remember me and my CPA exam story but for those newbies here’s my story:

I started sitting for the exam back in 2002, but not faithfully as getting married, buying a house, having a baby losing hope in the whole exam process got in the way.

Since May of 2008, I’ve been taking exams every testing window. The only testing window I took a break was April/May of 2010 as I had my younger daughter.

Between January of 2009 and February of 2010, I passed REG, FAR, and BEC but lost all my credits to our good buddy Audit.

Audit was my “beast“.

In the July/August of 2011 testing window I sat for 3 exams, Audit, REG, and FAR.

The only reason why I attempted it was because I had my BEC credit on the verge of expiration.

Out of the three I passed REG for the second time. I think if I didn’t pass anything I would have officially given up, but someone or something didn’t want me to give up quite yet.

The following testing window I finally passed Audit!!

Now I’m on a mission to get back my other two credits.

I’m currently preparing myself to sit for BEC. I’ve watched all the lectures, done tons of MCQs and rewrote NINJA notes.

Now I’m working on more and more Wiley MCQs.

BEC and I have a date for April 2nd. This is my first attempt to get my BEC credit back.

Then I’m moving onto FAR since FAR and I have a date late May.

Good luck to those sitting in the upcoming week.

I'll write a follow-up to let you know how BEC goes.

Till next time!!


Want to be a NINJA CPA Blogger? E-Mail jeff@another71.com

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nadia 12 years ago

Woot woot!! Sooo glad the bloggers are back. JoMarie, glad to hear from you. I trust you will be ready to slay BEC on April 2nd!!! I hope all is well with your girls and hubby. BTW, I like the haircut! I think I remember you getting it cut during our last window :) Rooting for you all the way from Tennessee! Nadia

Jeff - another71.com 12 years ago

Glad to have you back JoMarie!