Joshua is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
My battle with FAR is officially a month away and I have not been off to the best of studying habits.
The last 2 weeks have been spent on the road travel mostly for work and I have not been able to find the motivation to turn the computer on once I get back to the hotel.
Having a routine for studying is key and at home I have one but I have yet to be able to master this on the road. Luckily, after this week I will be back at home the remainder of my time leading up to my exam.
Even though it was tough on the road, I did manage to make time to listen to NINJA Audio on the flights and while driving as well as doing some Wiley MCQs a few nights.
Good luck to all those studying. Find some type of routine and stick to it!
I am just starting to study again for the FAR exam. I took last year but I did not pass. Since then I had a baby and now I can focus again on passing the exam. I commute quite a bit so I m looking to get some audio material. I need to stay focused on the goal.