Kemberli is a new NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hello there! Im Kemberli and Im one of the newest bloggers on Another71!
I want to share my story with you because I believe there has to be someone out there facing similar challenges and I hope they dont have to go through the same frustrations as I did and frequently still do.
Im what I like to call a crock-pot (as opposed to crack-pot, LOL!) CPA wannabe versus the microwave version. Im 40+, have 2 almost grown children, and have been in this field for 20 years.
It took me quite some time to finish my education because of my military background (US Navy) and my choice to focus on my family first. I completed my MBA in 2010.
To date, Ive taken two parts of the exam and have been less than successful on both. I scored a 72 on my first shot at BEC and a dismal under 50 on REG.
I know, Who does that? & furthermore Who would admit that? right? Well, me, thats who. I did study for BEC, but put in absolutely NO time preparing for REG. Id paid for the test and scheduled my time, so I decided to avoid wasting my money. Can you say OxyMORON with me?
Well, Im back at it again. Im hoping Ive learned from my mistakes and Ive really decided that I want to do this for the right reasons and not just so I can say that Im a CPA (more on that in an upcoming post.) I believe that blogging will help me to stay on track, hold myself accountable and ultimately reach my goal.
I promise to be honest and transparent and hope to help those who might be traveling this road with me. Im naturally self-deprecating but that in no way implies that I dont think highly of myself and my accomplishments thus far. I just dont typically go around tooting my own horn.
Friends and family have told me in the past that I dont realize how much of a miracle my life has been, but au contraire mon ami, I do realize. It just scares the crap out of me to think about it! – And youve just experienced one of my I thinks I share too much moments. Nonetheless, this is who I am.
So now you know why I call myself a crockpot CPA Candidate. I didnt travel what most would call a traditional road to get to this place. Im not a quick microwaveable meal and dinner is on the table in 8 minutes kind of candidate.
Ive taken a many a side roads and back alleys to end up where I am, but all those zigs and zags have really marinated and congealed rather nicely and when I finally sit down to enjoy my efforts, itll taste scrumptious!