Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Laura

06 Apr 2012


By laurab


Hey followers.

My name is Laura and here is my CPA exam journey thus far:

I first sat for BEC back in July 2008 while finishing up my masters. I breezed through undergrad and grad school so I thought that I could pass the exam without studying.

Well I failed miserably (I think it was around a 63) and decided to forget about the exam until I was completely done with school.

Once I had my degree, I signed up to take BEC again in November 2008. However, between moving back home, starting my job at a Big 4, and planning my wedding, I again did not prepare for the exam and again failed (this time with a 65).

I signed up again for BEC after I got acclimated at my job and got married and took the exam for the 3rd time in November 2009. Again, I did not study and received a 70. I started to get discouraged and figured that the AICPA was out to get me.

After switching jobs and seeing everyone around me with a life (instead of always working and/or studying), I finally decided that I needed to get it together and properly studying for the exam. So I signed up for REG and sat in October 2011. I received another 70…

I was already registered to sit for BEC (for the 4th time) in November 2011, so I figured I would tweak my studying to see if that made a difference. Between forcing myself to stick to a schedule, and with the help of the NINJA Notes, I finally passed BEC with a 79.

I applied to sit for AUD in February. What was I thinking? As a corporate accountant, January and February was nonstop as I was dealing with the statutory audit, SOX audit, and a broker-dealer audit. I barely had time to sleep, let alone study. So I was not terribly surprised by my score of another 70.

However, I have decided that 2012 IS the year that I will pass the CPA exam! I am scheduled to sit for FAR at the end of May and have scheduled my time so that I have plenty of time to study. I am using the Wiley study guide, NINJA notes and NINJA Flashcards.

I look forward to sharing my journey with y’all (yes…I am from the South ?)

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Laura (keeptrying) 12 years ago

I think the AICPA has something against "Laura"s from the south...especially with BEC. Good luck! 2012 was finally my year and BEC went down in flames and I finished the five year journey I was on. Just remember how badly you want it each time you are studying!

Jeff - 12 years ago

Welcome Laura