Mark is a new NINJA CPA Blogger.
I started my CPA test last summer. I decided to give Audit a shot first.
I used Wiley questions and read through the NINJA Notes two or three times. I have been a good guesser all my life and I was hoping that I could still use that method here.
I got a 73 on the first test and was bummed I failed, but I knew I didnt deserve to pass.
Then football started and that made it even harder to get going. I kept putting off studying and couldnt decide when I would take my next test. I was getting married in May so I figured that would be a good time to start back.
After the honeymoon I came back and hit the books hard. I studied almost every day for 5 weeks and was ready to take on Audit, but then came hurricane Isaac.
I live and Louisiana and my test was scheduled for the day it hit which pushed my exam back a week. I was not able to study as much that week and started worrying. I got my score back and couldnt believe it; I got an 89.
I was so pumped and that made me even more dedicated to finish this now.
I am now studying for FAR and taking the exam the week after Thanksgiving. It is a little challenge for me during football season, being a huge LSU and Saints fan. Also now there are baseball playoffs, GO CARDS, another obstacle for me.
I know that I want to have the feeling that I got when I saw I passed Audit so I keep pressing on. I am trying to study 3 hours every night when I get home from work and around ten total for the weekend.
I also try to rewrite the NINJA Notes at work. That really made a difference for Audit. Writing it really helped keep the information in my mind.
Hopefully this weekend I will get to play some golf, it has been way to long. I am trying to make time to do stuff but it is so hard right now, because I have to put studying first.
My wife is not enjoying married life so far because she barely even sees me right now. I just have to get her to understand I am doing this for us.
Hopefully LSU can play a little better this weekend. Les Miles is driving me nuts with the way he calls plays. They have so much talent and should be way better than what they have showed us so far. I am glad the Saints are off this week; I needed a break from watching the defense.