Matt is a new NINJA CPA Blogger.
It is good to know that Jeff is seeking for blogger in posting about their CPA studying experience on Another71.com. Here is some of my background information.
My name is Matt, and I obtained my Economics Degree at San Jose State University. After I graduated from SJSU, I attended the local community college for accounting classes, and tried to fulfill the minimum requirement to sit for the AICPA exam.
After approximately 2 years of hard work, I earned 36 accounting quarter units and applied for the CPA exam in June 2011. However, I was very busy with my job; I could not even squeeze time for my CPA studying.
Its 2013 and the first thing I put on my resolution this year is to finish my CPA exam. I have scheduled my first exam (REG) in May.
It is never easy study while you have a full time job. I see many successful stories on Another71.com and I think now its time for me to share my studying experience to the CPA exam fellow.
This weekend I enjoyed my last weekend on the beach. I know my CPA studying will begin very soon. Cheers.