Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Melissa

23 Jul 2012

NINJA CPA Review, Wiley CPA

Melissa is a new NINJA CPA Blogger.

85 days! Instead of counting down the days until Christmas (156) or my wedding (300), I am counting down the days until I am (hoping to be) officially done with the CPA exam.

I began my CPA exam journey about a year ago. I planned to take FAR first, but found the material to be overwhelming. I still wanted to take an exam in the 3rd window, so I took BEC in late August and was elated to find out that I passed with an 81!

It gave me the confidence I needed to keep going.

For my second exam, I (once again) planned to take FAR. But the material seemed so massive and I wanted to keep momentum going so I switched to AUD and squeaked by with a 76 on Halloween! I was so relieved and ready to face FAR.

My preferred testing day has always been Monday. Naturally, I had the brilliant idea of taking FAR on the Monday after Thanksgiving. What better way to go into the beast than with a solid 4 day weekend under my belt? Unfortunately, I also had the stomach flu, which did not provide much time or energy for studying.

I was blessed with reasonable SIMs, but still came in at a 70. Even though I know I did not do everything I could have or should have done to pass, I used the experience as an excuse not to study during the holidays. I left Thanksgiving dinner early and was not rewarded, so why give up Christmas, New Year’s or any arbitrary social gathering that I wanted to enjoy?

As 2012 rolled around, I realized that I had not studied for REG at all. With my NTS expiring in early January, I knew there was no hope in passing. I went in blind for a peek at the exam and was punished with a 34. Yikes! I hate that the score is on my permanent record. (Does that really exist or is that just something the principals on TV threaten?)

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I realized that I better get busy studying or lose my credit. I am currently studying for FAR and am scheduled to sit on 08/18. Two months later, I plan to attack REG. Ideally, that will be the end of it, but I am prepared that this might not be my reality.

My first score expires on 02/28/2013. So if I do not pass FAR next month, I have two windows left and if I do not pass REG in October, I only have one shot left.

The format of my video review course is perfect for my learning style. Each segment has a “bite sized lecture” (less than 10 minutes), slides, study text, true/false questions, MCQs and flashcards. The SIMs are located in a separate section, which is somewhat troubling, but I am supplementing with the Wiley test bank. I am also rocking Jeff’s NINJA Notes and Audio.

I am so thankful to have found the forums. There is so much power in community and knowing that we are in this together.

Has anyone else taken an extended break from the exams? Was the break helpful or detrimental to your success?

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Jeff - 12 years ago

Welcome Melissa!