Melissa is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Not only is FAR creeping up (two weeks from today), I am constantly reminded that my 18 month window is quickly approaching.
BEC expires at the end of February. I took an unnecessary 6 month break and I am kicking myself for it. After failing FAR the Monday after Thanksgiving, I was just over the exams. I decided to take the rest of the holiday season off and start back up the first quarter.
My boyfriend proposed on Christmas Eve. The first quarter came and went. I scheduled FAR for the end of the 2nd quarter, but did not study. I was promoted at work in April. I rescheduled my test for July, but have since rescheduled it for August.
The bad news: I work in corporate accounting and the next several months are our busiest time. August-October, we will be forecasting and budgeting the next few years. November will be light, but December and January will be consumed with year-end.
I am so disappointed in myself for not getting this exam out of the way when I had a less demanding job. I have REG and FAR left to pass, which gives me 3 attempts to pass FAR and 2 to pass REG. Yikes!
The good news: I am finally on fire for the exam. I realize that I will have to make sacrifices and that life will not be enjoyable for the next several months. From reading the A71 Forum, I know there are so many other life circumstances that I could be required to work around.
Working as an accountant and planning a wedding is nothing compared to raising children, working multiple jobs, overcoming international testing requirements, etc.
My motto at work and for the CPA exam is KEEP MOVING FORWARD. I didnt realize until earlier today (when I was browsing the best of A71 blogs) that I picked this slogan up from Jeff!
I implemented the early, lunch, late (ELL) plan this week and it has made a huge impact on my success. In addition to adding more study hours to my total, it puts the CPA exam and concepts in the forefront of my mind throughout the day and breaks up my studying into smaller, more effective chunks.
I have also been listening to the NINJA Audio in my car and on my phone. Lastly, I am trying to break my smartphone browsing habit. I loaded my NINJA Notes on my phone and when I find myself browsing the A71 forums or wedding blogs, I remind myself that I could be adding points to my score and switch over to the NINJA Notes.
One last thing: Shout out to Peanut, JoMarie and all the other A71 peeps that passed in the last score release!!!
Love the "keep moviing forward". You have good chances of passing both exams before the 1st expires. I did the ELL PLan as weel, and I can tell you that it was the best approach for my studies. Make sure that you do at least 20 hours of quality study each week and you will pass. All the success!!!