Parth is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Although my studies for AUD have been going reasonably well, the thoughts of the FAR exam I just took still linger in my head. I’m really curious to see my score, but at the same time I want to be able to focus on the task at hand: Be ready to take AUD by the end of the month.
I’ve modified my study approach when it comes to AUD. Because AUD contains mostly conceptual questions, I’ve spent less time doing MCQs during the early parts of my studying and more time walking through Operating Cycle diagrams and genuinely making sure that I solidify my conceptual understanding of the material.
The NINJA Audio has allowed me to reinforce key concepts when I’m looking to step away from my AUD textbook and review course videos. I do see weaknesses in a few areas; however, I’m pretty confident that I’ll be able to shore up those weaknesses before exam day.
My final semester of college has treated me well. My light course load affords me a great amount of flexibility as to how I structure my study time and leisure time. I’m still involved with a few student organizations, but I’m only an active leader within the organization I co-founded.
Despite the fact that the end of my college career is approaching quickly, I don’t think I’ll truly realize the magnitude of this change until August comes and I won’t have a reason to pack up my belongings into boxes and garbage bags.
My journey to become a CPA is still in its infancy; however, I’ve reached several conclusions so far. I’ve learned that the temptation to put down the study materials to go spend time with friends or other loved ones can represent one of the most difficult temptations to fight.
That being said, I’ve realized that taking some time for these kinds of activities can allow me to revisit my studies with a stronger vigor. I’ve learned that healthy eating habits and exercise shouldn’t fall to the wayside due to my desires to pass all four parts within a 5 month timeframe. I’m ready to learn more from this journey each and every day.
Stay focused my friends!