Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Phillip

18 Oct 2013


Phillip is a new NINJA CPA blogger.


My name is Phillip and I am a Healthcare Senior Accountant from Lewisville TX. I have BA in Psychology and MBA in Accounting.

I’ve been walking the CPA Trail since 2005. A wise graduate school professor told me several times back in 05, “Scholar you will need CPA to be successful in accounting.” I wish would have listened to such sage advice.

My six month break from the world of studying began in October 2005 and ended in May 2009. After getting remarried and starting a family, I sat for BEC in a state that I qualified for that was not Texas. I self-studied for the exam and just missed the mark with 71! Sound familiar to anyone?

To say the least, I was crushed by the result due to the time, sacrifice, and dedication that went into my preparation. I was looking to test again, when my pal, the stork, came by to visit my wife and I again. It was during this time that I resolved to pass the exam meeting the requirements for the state of Texas.

So beginning in May 2011, I began taking additional online accounting and business courses (one per semester) to meet the state of Texas requirements. In December 2012, I completed all additional coursework and was now CPA eligible.

A lot of “life” happened in 2013 so I was only able to sit for one section, FAR, so far (ha ha) this year.

So…mark my words, this will be the year this scholar gets off the “CPA Trail” and gets on the “CPE Easy Street”. I’ve dealt with the 99 problems on my journey, and quittin' ain’t one. See y’all at the swear-in ceremony in Austin in 2014.

Happy Trails!

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didato 11 years ago

wow - keep moving along - I'm with you - making 2014 my year to end my CPA Trail! Woo woo!

Carolyn 11 years ago

I have my masters in business also and I am in a common situation. Although my girls are adults with two still in college, I help my husband run a dental practice. Just not enough time to get the studying hours in. Also the stork came to visit my daughter in August. Yes, if only I had listened years ago and completed the CPA exam. Good Luck!!!!!

Tasha 11 years ago

I can totally relate to you both....I am also making 2014 my year to end the trail. Best of luck to you all. Happy Studying!