AUD Score: Bummed but Ready for the Rematch

06 Jan 2014


Sheba is a NINJA CPA Blogger.

Hello fellow NINJAS,

I have received my Auditing test score. I failed. I was so bummed about it. This was the go- no go test.

So now what am I going to do? I was on the phone with a friend when I looked up my score and she was sad for me. Then of course she pointed out how due to the NINJA products I increased my score 15 points from 2 years ago.

I felt better but the blow was just much too much. I told my husband and children and they were like ok. No emotions about it at all. As if it was all part of the process.

I finally called my mom who is usually my worst critic but she was like we’ll get it next time. “You were so close so when are you rescheduling?” I was speechless!! I expected that kind of response from my sister (who of course did say that very thing) but not my mom. She was so proud of me. Wow!!!

I of course stumbled out that I would reschedule for January. I felt so much better. Moms are great!!!

My oldest and best friend called and gave me the 6 simple steps to putting together a dollhouse she just purchased. She thought it would help me with my studies so here they are (modified of course):

1. Welcome to the CPA exam.
2. Study for hours. That is hours of fun!
3. Focus, focus, focus. Don’t be discouraged and tell yourself you can do it.
4. Keep breathing.
5. Apply for your CPA License.
6. Piece of Cake. Now wasn’t that fun!!

Now with that advice how can I not feel better about my AUD rematch?

Sheba A

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Jeff @ 11 years ago

Family and friends don't always have the best advice, but at least they mean well. :)

Michelle 11 years ago

My mom once said, "If you would have studied harder you would have passed." Are you kidding me?! I put in 30 hours a week for 8 weeks on top of a full time job!

Alan 11 years ago

The harder I study, the luckier I feel on exam day

Janet 11 years ago

I failed REG and my parents were very supportive. Much like you they can be my worst critics. As I was debating my abilities, they pointed out that I just finished a huge forensic accounting project and received accolades all around. As my parents pointed out, I have the know how, I can survived cross examination in court and I can survive these exams.