REG Exam Rescheduled + Moving Forward

03 Aug 2012


Stephanie is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.

Hello Everyone!

With my exam day of August 3rd approaching, life took over and my study schedule had to be sacrificed for other pressing matters. This really upset me, but I had no other choice.

So, I moved my REG exam day back to August 30th. I knew I wasn’t going to be prepared for an August 3rd exam day, so I know it was the right move, but it still depresses me.

It keeps making me focus on all my CPA exam regrets. Like, why didn’t I just buckle down and get this exam done right after undergrad? I wasn’t married, didn’t own a home, and had all the time in the world. Or, why didn’t I get this done before I had kids and my job wasn’t so demanding?

One of the hardest parts about this whole process is putting that behind me and moving on. It is very cliché, but all you can do move forward and take one day at a time.

Good luck to everyone else testing during this last month of the window!

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