Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hello NINJAs,
I am writing this blog post during a quick break from studying. Since my last post I have begun studying for BEC.
This means that I am currently in steps one and two of the NINJA Study Framework. This is the first section that I am actually taking the time to watch all the videos from my review course, while taking copious notes.
Things have been pretty intense so far: I think I am on my third legal pad.
Since I sat for REG on the 6th, I jumped right into BEC. Last weekend was quite productive. My study partner and I worked our usual schedule at our favorite study spot.
However, on the days we do not meet, I usually study at home. These past 3 days were utterly unproductive. I found myself feeling particularly tired and sleeping most of the day, all 3 days.
So now, I am back in the saddle. I plan to get through the last 2.5 chapters of lecture for BEC in the next week, so that I can jump into the Non-Stop MCQ stage of my review. I still need to load my iPod up with the NINJA Audio so that I can study on the go.
I hope everyone has a productive week studying. I better get back to it.