Tori is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
First of all, please accept my apologies for my recent absence and lack of weekly blog posts. I can assure you I thought about you all every week that my calendar popped up and reminded me to write my blog post.
Unfortunately, and typically, life has literally been in the way of me taking care of some of my personal responsibilities. So, once again, please accept my apologies for my absence. I hope that everyone is working hard on their CPA review materials, and getting ready to slay an exam section by the end of the window.
So you might be wondering what have I been up to since I haven't been sharing every week. First of all, I have been working of course. Second, I have been studying, though not as much as is necessary.
I am making progress with my REG studies, but things are going very slow. I was really hoping to be in the middle of the tax topics by now, but I am only starting the Property module this week. Even though things are slow going, they are moving forward.
I really wish there were more hours in a day, or that my body did not require sleep to function. Instead, my study time is limited by my body's basic requirements to survive. I will get through this section, eventually. I really want my third attempt at regulation to be my final, successful attempt.
Lastly, in the what's been up with me topic, I spent the last weekend celebrating my 10 year wedding anniversary. I can honestly say that taking the mini vacation was perfectly timed and much deserved. I haven't been on a road trip/vacation with my husband in over 15 months.
We drove to Ventura, CA and spent some time sight seeing/playing tourist right in our back yard. We spent the afternoon on Saturday cruising the Santa Barbara waterfront on our bikes. Then on Sunday, we drove to Ojai, CA and rode our bikes on the awesome bike path that led through some nice scenery.
Both bike rides were rather short, 15 miles total for the weekend. It was incredibly refreshing to have that time to really enjoy the scenery, and spend time with my husband. If there is one thing I have been doing a lot of since going back to work, it is spending quality time with my husband, and dogs.
I literally went from being home with them full time, to working a 40 hour week with 10-15 hours/week of commute. So I definitely miss my men and just want to spend time with them on my days off.
I definitely recognize that I could/should forgo the quality weekend time with my family and get focused on my studies, but right now, I just do not have the will power to tell them no. So, until I can buckle down on the weekends, I will just have to be satisfied with the slow pace on the review materials.
It is time for me to bust open my review book and get through the property chapter. Catch you NINJAs later.