Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hello NINJAs.
This has been a long week for me. I have been putting in a ton of time preparing for AUD which, as I mentioned previously, I sat for on 5/24.
I feel that I was more than adequately prepared for this section. I used a combination of review materials, including NINJA Audio, Notes, and Flashcards, as well as my own review course.
Almost all of the MCQ practice sessions resulted in 80% or better on the first time around. Any sections I scored lower on, I went through all the materials again. My overall strategy for this section was as Jeff says, to NAIL the video/lecture.
I then spent time reviewing the NINJA Notes, then going over more detailed information from my review course, then hitting the MQCs. Then reviewing and re-writing the notes.
Any time I was in the car, I had the NINJA Audio playing. I had listened to the audio and read and retyped the notes so many times, I found myself finishing Jeff's sentences– kind of like singing along to a great song.
It made me feel good to know that I was on top of the major topics. All I can hope for now is that my score reflects how I feel I performed on the AUD section of the CPA exam. I guess I will find out in 2-3 weeks.
As promised, I regret to inform you all that I was not successful on my attempt of REG on 4/20. Believe it or not, I actually scored a 71. How poetic, right?
Sooo…. I am going to jump back into regulation since it has been only a few weeks since I was knee deep in the materials.
I have a feeling this is going to be a light study weekend, since it is a holiday weekend. Like many other candidates, I feel like I have been working on the CPA exam forever. But, as has been proven time and again, persistence and dedication seem to be the keys to passing this exam.
I hope everyone has a safe holiday weekend, happy studying, and best wishes to everyone taking the exam next week.