Yolanda is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Its a time where family and friends join together to give thanks and enjoy an abundant feast.
Sisters and brothers and in-laws catch up on each others lives (at least for the things that never get posted on Facebook, LOL).
One of the most fascinating things about this day is the Macys Thanksgiving Day parade. I absolutely love the parade, the balloons, and all the different shows that are portrayed in this parade.
I hope to one day be able to take my children to see this parade (live) in NYC. Maybe once I pass my CPA exam I will be able to do just that!
I have let my family and friends know that we will not be celebrating Thanksgiving this year. I explained to them that I have decided that my favorite holiday of all time is overrated.
Why? Because my BEC exam is scheduled for Saturday, November 24th!
I have proposed to my family that instead of making one huge feast on Thanksgiving, we can have a special holiday dish each day of the week such as green bean casserole on Monday, and candied yams on Tuesday, and then on Thanksgiving Day, just make a turkey with mashed potatoes and a vegetable side.
With this plan, I wont have to spend 1 ½ days cooking a feast and cleaning up afterwards. We also wont be stuffed with food and can enjoy our favorite dishes in moderation. I almost thought this was the most ingenious idea until my 13 ½ year old voiced her displeasure!
We usually celebrate her birthday (11/29) on Thanksgiving. I promised (persuaded) her that I will make her birthday celebration spectacular on Saturday, December 1st.
In the meantime, I must continue to diligently work towards passing BEC. I am currently tackling Planning and Measurement. I hope to be done with all my topics by next weekend so that I can start my multiple choice marathon!
After my multiple choice marathon I will review my NINJA Notes for the IT portion which Jeff suggests you do at least 5 times the night before you walk into the exam.
Happy studying everyone!