Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger.
REG is going slower and slower as the time suck of doctor appointments have taken up a lot of my precious time from a car accident in November.
I am no longer on track to take the test on my scheduled date, as I have fallen way behind. Hopefully I can catch up and take REG in the first week in the cold, dark January.
The good news is that I am remembering a lot of the tax issues and business law concepts from when I passed REG the first time around many eons ago.
I am still working slowly through the NINJA MCQs trying to get my head around S-Corps and Partnership taxation.
It is quite exciting and riveting. I remember one trick that helped me better understand taxation, was to have a physical form of the tax return.
Then I would “walk” myself through the return to see where the different items flowed through. I plan on printing them out again this weekend in hopes of accelerating my studies through the holiday season.
Until next time, just keep swimming.