Things don’t always go as planned with the CPA Exam

25 Nov 2015


Christina FChristina is a NINJA CPA blogger.

This blog is going to be short and sweet, in the middle of this 3rd quarter, and after the week I’ve had, simple is best.

No matter how much a person plans things out well, at least when I do it, it seems to blow up in my face.

I have been trying to get through this CPA exam for going on a year, and I have not gotten through it as I’d hoped. Every time I get buckled down and get going, something happens.

I know I’m not the only one that goes through this, but it is so extremely frustrating. I had it all planned out to take 2 exams in this last quarter of this year. That didn’t go so well.

I managed to get one exam in, without studying as I had intended, and then had to take some time off because there was no way I’d get any studying done with life going on.

I didn’t want to waste my money and take a test when I knew I wouldn’t be mentally prepared for it.

So now I sit waiting for my exam score coming in a few days and I hope I pass because with everything else going on, I don’t know that I could face another fail, even if I hadn’t done everything I had wanted to do to get studying done.

I’ll get through this test, life just needs to slow done once in a while.

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Chantelle 9 years ago

Wow, I'm almost in the same boat. Keep on pushing, u will get throught this. I have 2 kids one of which is 1 and will not sleep through the night. My studying can only be done at 2am and during lunch breaks. I am taking my exam on sunday and I'm truly hoping for the best!