Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger.
The schedule isn’t working. Knowing when my test is and how much I need to study should be enough for me to stick to my study schedule, but life doesn’t stop during our planned study sessions.
Husbands, the garden, chores, WORK, and family all take time away from our studying.
This has led to guilt that I am not prioritizing well for my next test, and that I may have taken tests in the past before I was ready. During busy weeks, I feel like I should have been able to plan around those life events.
I’m sure, however, every CPA has trials while studying and passing exams and those trials will only make us stronger right? FAR did not go well in June, so I’m switching back to that, but have decided not to schedule my test until I am trending 80% and know my areas of weakness have improved.
The hardest part about studying for the CPA Exam comes after finding out my score and then getting right back into NINJA MCQs. I feel I had a good grasp on the subjects already and am frustrated with the feedback, or lack thereof, on these tests. But, this is a humbling experience and one worth the end result.
Hoping to retake FAR sometime soon to keep as close to my original test schedule as possible for the rest of the year. FAR is just one piece of the puzzle and all I need to think about right now instead of getting overwhelmed with having three other tests in the future.
Stay focused NINJAs!