Quarter 4 Push: Living and Breathing the CPA Exam

21 Oct 2016


Christina FChristina is a NINJA CPA blogger.

The final quarter of 2016 is upon us. That means I have 2 months to get 2 exams in and (hopefully) pass them.

Girl Scouts have started back up, so my focus has been there the past week to get everything organized, but my focus for the next 3 weeks is going to be REG.

I will live and breathe this exam until I take it. My planner will be my best friend to keep everything else in life organized and I’ll make sure I get all the study time I can manage.

I’m going to take advantage of any downtime at work I get to knock out NINJA MCQs, which won’t be much, but every little bit helps. My legal pads with notes and re-writing notes will go with me anywhere I can manage to bring them. I’m not backing down from this exam.

I have to remind myself why I want to get through these exams and that the sacrifices I have to make now will be worth it to my future and for my family.

The other day my daughter was asked what she wants to be when she grows up, her reply was either a teacher or an accountant like mommy. I want to be the best example for her that I can, so that’s an even bigger push to finish this exam.

Let’s attack Quarter 4 and get these exams finished! Good luck to us all!

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