Fred is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hello fellow test takers. My apologies for not getting a blog up sooner. Seems I didnt read the fine print on my duties.
Speaking of fine print and not reading everything – it seems to be my problem while taking the simulated exams! I get to choice C and think I nailed it only to find Choice D was a better and obvious correct answer.
All those years of reading books and skimming through the boring detail has finally screwed me. I dont know how many times I breeze over the word not or except and select a choice for instead.
So not only do I need to study the material but I also need to change a horrible habit of not reading each word. I am having a tough time changing my ways.
So with that I took advantage of Jeffs Email and moved my test date to December 6. I originally was booked for Nov 29 to take AUD and I decided to use the extra week. It cost me $35 but I am glad I did.
I am coming into final review mode and I am in a slight state of panic. Why? Well for one, I get a 95 on the homework and simulations but bombed the final exams.
Second, I cannot get above a 75 on a Wiley Quiz. Third, my concentration level is horrid. I would rather reach for my IPAD and buy a jacket from BackCountry than remain focused on comprehension.
True story about the jackets. ? I am a jacket freak. I am up to 2 Gortex Jackets in the past week LOL. So it has been a difficult road for me. Add a work week and you get the picture.
Dont get me wrong, I wish not to discourage but to keep it real. My family is in an uproar for quiet hours start right when I get home from work. The TV in non-existent and everyone either has a Kindle with head phones or is locked in their rooms away from me.
Weekends they just leave the house as quickly and as orderly as possible. It is quite comical really. It just goes to show you what a concerted effort it takes from everyone just so you get some study time. I guess when I finally pass the exam I shall be quoted, We are going to Disney World.
One thing that has worked in my favor is the gym. I try to get there 4 times weekly for energy and increased concentration. Something about throwing weights around and running on a treadmill clear my mind enough for me to concentrate. I use my IPOD loaded with NINJA Audio and I just go to it.
Lots of sacrificing going on here in Boston as I gave up a ticket to the Patriots today – 50 yard line and second section. Nah I would much rather study. Right?
I ended up studying and watched the Pats beat up Indy. Yes I could have gone but I know what I need to do. I will get my CPA and buy season tickets.
Oh one more thing, my 5 year old daughter handled a bb gun today . First time, first shot and nailed a can 15 feet away. I do not encourage this but it was remarkable the concentration a child has. I wish she would lend me some of it.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and gets to enjoy one day of football, food and family. I know my parents and siblings cannot wait to see me. Enjoy and a safe journey.