Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Natasha

28 Mar 2012


Hi All!!

My name is Natasha Hart. I graduated with my degree in Accounting in May of 2009.

I got engaged soon after so decided to put the CPA Exam on hold until after I got married at the end of July 2010.

I have worked in Consulting for a Public Accounting Firm for just over 2 years now.

I began taking the CPA exam in November of 2010 right after I got married. I chose to take FAR first because I knew it would be the hardest for me.

My first FAR test was an eye opener; I was not prepared for the time and effort it really takes to pass the CPA Exam. I also scheduled a knee surgery a week before my test. Needless to say, I failed.

My husband began studying with me after getting his MBA. I retook FAR and got a 74. I had felt confident after leaving the testing center that day so I scheduled AUD right away.

I failed AUD and retook FAR without putting much effort into it because I was so close the time before.

Bad idea, I failed again.

I realized quickly that I was not 1 point from passing; I was 75 points from passing. I retook AUD next and passed and took BEC and passed, regaining my confidence.

I decided to tackle FAR again right after Christmas (when I didn't really study AGAIN during Christmas) and I failed again.

I manage to find everything else to do except study. I clean the house, I cook, and I play on the internet or Facebook, etc. I also do make an attempt to work out for at least an hour every day. By the time I get home the last thing I want to do is study for an additional 2-3 hours.

My husband found out he passed REG, his final part, during this last testing window. This has given me the motivation I need to buckle down and finally put the effort needed to pass FAR and take REG once and for all.

Now I have no excuses! My husband keeps the house clean and cooks dinner, which I would always use as an excuse to not study. I am very thankful to have such a supportive husband and family.

I am currently using NINJA Notes. I try to get approximately 2-3 hours in per weekday after work and 5-6 hours each weekend day.

I have about 5 more weeks before I begin my 2 weeks of final review before my test May 11.

I will keep in touch letting you all know how my study plan is going! I need all the motivation that I can get!

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Kayla 12 years ago

Our journey sounds similar! I too graduated in May 09 , got engaged Dec 09 and began studying for the exams in April 10. Like you I put studying on the back burner for awhile to plan a wedding. I passed my last section in Jan. Best of luck in your studying!

Jeff - 12 years ago

Welcome Natasha!

Jo 12 years ago

Best of luck to you! FAR is a beast, but can be done :) FAR - 75 AUD - 4/16/12

nadia 12 years ago

Finish line is in sight----best of luck!!!! Nadia (yankee)

Natasha 12 years ago

Thank you all!!!! I am really hoping the blogging and support will hold me more accountable!