Natasha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hope everyone has had a great week! Studying…where do I begin? I purchased my first home last September so this is my first spring in my new home. Needless to say, with the weather being so nice I want to be outside, doing things in the yard and

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  Bonds, Leases, Deferred Taxes, Bonds, Leases, Deferred Taxes!! Pretty sure I have been having nightmares about those 3 topics for the past week. This past week I have put the FAR NINJA Audio on my iPhone and put all the Ninja Audio into a playlist and played it over and over about 6 hours

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  Hi Everyone!! Well, this past week was hard. I started out great, I got my full 6 hours of studying in on Monday and Tuesday…then things fell apart. I didn’t even open my book or notes Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Work was stressful and it was so hard to study once I got home

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Hi All!! My name is Natasha Hart. I graduated with my degree in Accounting in May of 2009. I got engaged soon after so decided to put the CPA Exam on hold until after I got married at the end of July 2010. I have worked in Consulting for a Public Accounting Firm for just

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