Nineteen days no not nineteen days until the tax deadline arrives but nineteen days until I can crack back open the study materials.
I find it kind of funny and sad that I am looking forward to this but it is what it is.
I have decided that I am going to go with BEC, which for those of you who remember my story is not my friend!
Embarrassingly I will admit that I have failed BEC five times, each time being in the 70s and two of which were a 74.
I am determined to pass BEC during May no matter what.
This is it for me, do or die really as my clock is ticking away ever so quickly. I have until January 2013 to pass three parts. I know 2013 sounds far away but being a seasoned candidate and losing a section, I know the time flies.
Thankfully, Jeff has brought back the bloggers and it can keep me accountable on a weekly basis. I have missed sharing my experience with you and those I have become friendly with over the past two years.
I hope you are all doing well and fighting the good fight! I know I am ready to bust out my NINJA skills once my crazy busy tax season is over. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck everyone who begins testing next week!
Until next time,
Nice picture. I'm pulling for you as always, Rebecca. Missed your blog :) I'll be following your progress.
Rebecca, I am so happy to see you blogging again!!! Your BEC story is tough. You have been so incredibly close. A fellow poster once told me that I was just creating a solid base of information( during my Audit struggle), and this next time was the passing . I am going to say the same for you. I also think that taking a break ( can busy season really be considered a break??!! LOL!) can help put pieces together. I had done that with BEC myself, and it helped see the relationships. I am pulling for you and can't wait to hear your good news!! BTW nice pic! GOOOOOOO Rebecca!!! Nadia (yankee)
There is nothing embarrassing about 5 scores below 75. I have a TON of scores below 75 but quitting, now that would be embarrassing. Keep on studying and passing those tests! We're pulling for you.
Thanks so much ladies! I am really hoping this starts to turn around for me. Best of luck to all of you!! :)
Jody, you are too cute for words! Your personality and bueftiaul face are too much. Thank you for your kind comment! Everytime I read anything you or Doug write I feel instantly connected to you. Thank you so much for the encouragement! Love you! Bec