Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger.
In my last post, I discussed organization. Being more organized for 2017 includes:
- a better chore chart for the kids
- a poster with bedtime routine (I have a 3-year-old who this helps A LOT)
- a monthly wall dry-erase calendar
- my handy, dandy planner.
Between my husband’s work schedule and my daughter’s new study schedule, these items are excellent tools in making sure everything is done so I can study.
I started implementing most of this at the end of 2016, so it was great for the last month with the busyness of the holiday season.
Now that I help monitor my daughter's schedule, I have created a new study routine of my own. I’m in study mode as soon as I get the kids to bed. After all, I’ve already helped her study earlier in the evening.
When my husband is home, he takes over bedtime and I get more time to study. Everyone is making a better effort to help me get through these exams, especially because I’ve made running the house much more simple.
I hope that with my new organization and CPA study plan I can pass the exams and put them behind me. Sticking to a study schedule that isn’t too ambitious and completely ‘do-able’ is key.
I realize I was trying to fit too much into too little time. Between the exams and being mom, wife and everything else it was too much. I plan to average between 6 and 8 weeks for studying for each exam and have everything mapped out to give me at least 2 weeks of review.
I’m aiming to make 2017 my comeback year and getting this exam knocked out!