Giving It My All: Hoping to Pass AUD & REG this Window

02 Nov 2015


By Key522

Keona2Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger.

I sat for AUD this past Saturday. I can never gauge how I did on an exam.

The first time I took the exam, I told people I felt prepared and failed! So now after a test, I just respond with I’m unsure and we will see on the score release day.

As we all know the AICPA is not fully transparent on how they score these exams. I did feel like the testlet 2 and 3 were more difficult which can be a good sign but the difficulty of the testlets are subjective.

I know I gave my all and tried my best. I was able to complete my simulations but half way through the simulation my computer restarted.

It never happened to me before but the people at the center informed me that it happens often and the test will start back right from where I left off.

I’m jumping straight into studying for REG. This will be my first time taking two in exams in one testing quarter. I scheduled REG for the last day of this testing quarter to optimize my time.

I’m hoping studying for REG will take my mind off of waiting for my AUD score. If I can pass these two exams this quarter I will be finished with the CPA exam!

That would be a nice way to end the year but if I don’t, I know that failure is not final.

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Gina 9 years ago

I'm taking the same exams this window. I hope we both get passing scores!

Noel 9 years ago

Same here. Took AUD (it wasn't that bad). I could finish all my sims. Taking REG in 3 weeks. Hope I can celebrate xmas with a smile!

Neil 9 years ago

Just put the effort in every day. I took Far, Reg and BEc in the same window (July - August) then AUD on Oct 2, while working full time. It's doable. 3 - 4 hours a night, 6+ hours Saturday and Sunday. I watched the videos, did the questions, then came back and did the sims the week before my exams.

Chantelle 9 years ago

Taking Reg in just 11 days. Trying to keep pushing. Wor king full time with two kids its HARD. But I know I can do this!