Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger.
My REG retake was yesterday and I have absolutely no idea how I did.
MCQ felt good and I took my time on the SIMs and researched everything I could.
I even took advantage of the 15 minute break when the clock stops to stretch my legs. Waiting until August will be painful, but until then I will keep pressing forward.
June is a busy month for me; we’ve got 3 birthdays within 10 days of each other on top of school letting out and a weekend getaway we have planned.
At work, I also have to take on extra work for someone who will be out for almost the whole month. So with all of that, I’m trying to be smart about my study time.
I plan to move on to AUD while I wait for my REG results. My goal is to test mid to end of July.
I’m going to get the [A71 product=”notes”]AUD NINJA notes and read through them once and re-write them once. This really helped me retain information with REG. Once I have rewritten them, I’ll start in on the MCQ.
I’ll follow up with my book on topics I need more help on. I tend to lose interest if I study too long, so hopefully doing the notes first and then focusing on MCQ will keep me going as opposed to reading the book, etc. Obviously, I’ll be taking notes on MCQ as well.
At least the notes and MCQ can go with me to the beach or in the car on the way to the water park. I have to keep these kiddos entertained somehow this summer and still get in my studying.