Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger.
I’m a few days away from taking the REG exam. I feel no way completely ready but I am in my review stage.
In my review stage, I constantly pound NINJA MCQs, start working sims, and also read over my notes.
I will take my REG exam right after year-end close at my job, so it will be a busy time.
My plan is to work and study these next few days. No social gathering and unfortunately no cooking (takeout will be my best friend).
I noticed you need a lot of rest during this review/blitz period. We moved my father to a nursing home closer to us and I explained to him that I will not see him much until after my test.
REG is not as bad as I thought it will be but like all sections you need to commit the time and effort. This is my first shot at taking the REG exam and hopefully my last.
I will keep you posted.
Actually today I took Reg for the first time. And I was very disappointed at myself, not because I didn't study hard enough, but because I studied too hard obviously. I spent countless hours and sleepless nights digging in most complex areas, AMT, recaptures, credits and on, I was paranoid, exam day.... Couldn't answer the easiest questions, simple stuff. I was waiting for the "real" monster question after question until I found myself two sims left and nothing other than surety and deductions for AGI, bottom line for those reading this, don't over do it. It's good to be ready, but REG is A LOT of material, don't get too deep or you will get lost. It wouldn't be a full time profession if people could master the IRC in one month or two. Know your formulas and basics, and don't lose sleep over "AGI limits for a bond sold in Asia and bought before 1902 in yen from a British guy is South Africa, wants is your inside basis" type of questions. Good luck everyone.