Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger.
My third take at REG is in the books. I took my test quietly without many people knowing the date of my test.
Before the exam, I was trending over 85% on NINJA MCQs which boosted my confidence. I blew through the MCQs and the SIMs much more easily this time.
I’m not sure if it because I was more prepared, or if I got lucky with questions that hit on my strong points.
I took a few days off from work before and after the test. Work has been stressful as we are now in our budget process.
A few days before my exam I knew I was ready and used the next few days as time management practice. The last take at REG I spent way too much time on the MCQs and ended up with not enough time for my SIMs.
This journey has been mine for almost 2 years. I sacrificed time with my loved ones and put on a few pounds. I know what it takes to pass: dedication and time. There is no short cut to passing the CPA exam.
I find it funny that with every retake I always learn more about the topics. Although I received a 74 there was so much more I learned while restudying for my exam.
During this wait for my score, I will catch up with friends and also start back on my exercise routine. I’m relieved with the thought I may be officially done with the CPA exam.
Keona - I've been waiting for you to post something because I was curious how you were doing. You inspire me. I know you passed REG this go around. Best of luck to you!