Third Time’s the Charm: I Passed AUD!

13 Jun 2016


By Key522

Keona2Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger.

The third time was the charm. I passed AUD!

My score came two days after my birthday and that was a perfect gift. When I left the test I felt I did enough to pass but of course there is a notion that if you feel good after your test you failed.

So I spent the last three weeks worrying about my score, even though once you hit the submit button there is nothing you can do but wait.

My score was actually my NINJA MCQ trending score 85. Thanks Jeff! I think watching lectures and grasping the AUD concepts helped me pass this time.

I’m excited to be moving on REG and will use the same studying methods I used for AUD. Three down, one to go!

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LaToya 9 years ago

Congratulations! I wish you the best.

Queena 9 years ago

I've been waiting to see this post! Congratulations...I know you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Southpaw 9 years ago

That is wonderful news!!! Congratulations Keona!

John Thompson 9 years ago

Way to go. The finish line is in your sights keeping going.

Whitnie 9 years ago


Michelle 9 years ago


Bernadette 9 years ago

Woohoo!! did it. Almost there. Finish strong.