Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger.
The bad news is I tore my meniscus. The good news is I have to sit and study for REG.
Nobody can ask me to get up and do anything because I’m under doctor orders to sit. Not that I want the pain, but hey, I need to study.
I’m focusing on one section at a time, in order of my lowest scores and moving on. I’m working on seeing every question I need to in each section and taking notes on what I got wrong.
Once I see everything, I will copy my notes and go back to work on everything I missed. I also want to take a few days to copy the [A71 product=”notes”]NINJA Notes to help them stick better in my head.
I set my test date last week and now the pressure is on. The date is the end of the quarter because that’s what my schedule allowed. It also allows me more time to study. I can definitely use help in certain areas.
I am thankful to see some areas I need help in will not be tested, so I’m making sure to weed out per the list Jeff provided. I’ve also squeezed in studying between things at work, that has helped get extra study time.
My goal is to work on at least 100 MCQs a day plus notes. On the weekends I’ll bump that up since I can devote several hours at a time.
Hoping this gives me a fighting chance with this exam.