Picking the Perfect CPA Exam Testing Date

13 Apr 2017


Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger.

Why is choosing a CPA Exam testing date so difficult? Setting the date feels so final.

You have to:

Pick the perfect date for maximum study time.

Pick a date that allows you to have a good chance to review before the exam.

Pick a date that fits your personal needs. Someone who isn’t a morning person may not want an 8am test time, for example.

You also need enough time to go over all of the material and NINJA MCQs. Am I the only one who takes a few days to decide on just the right date?

Aside from making sure I pick the perfect test date (is that even possible?), I am studying and doing MCQ. I’ve looked over my notes and the MCQ in the back of the book when I can't do the actual test bank. I plan to take a day or two off to dedicate to studying so it’s quiet while the kids are at school.

My husband’s schedule brings him home late, so my evenings are spent getting the kids adjusted and making sure homework is done (3rd graders sure do get a lot nowadays).

I’ve considered waiting until we move back to Arizona so we have more help with the kids. I could study more then, but I’d really like to be done with this before we move so it's not hanging over me.

I’m still here, plugging away and contemplating life decisions (or so it seems) at the same time. I'm more determined than ever to pass the exam and get on with my life.

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