I took my first section of the CPA exam on Friday (Auditing). I got to the Prometric center and went through the standard steps, including a wand metal detector and was set up on station 13, my favorite number (no joke!).
I didnt read the set up screens as I had already read them on my simulations. I quickly pushed through them to get to my first REAL CPA exam question. My heart was pounding, which surprised me because Im usually a cool cucumber during exams.
After the first five questions passed, my nerves and heart settled down; I knew all the answers to the first five questions. The MCQs were so much simpler than what I had practiced on Becker for Auditing. I felt great going into the simulations.
I answered the first simulation with ease and thought, Theres no way I am NOT passing this exam. I may have spoken too soon (spoken figuratively, of course). The next 6 questions were challenging and unexpected. I looked like a deer in the headlights, Im sure.
I slowly pushed through the simulations question by question using judgment and my Auditing knowledge to the best of my ability. I got to the research question and think I got it correct, though I debated with myself if I had entered the format into the answer box correctly. Ill have to practice the research question more in the future.
After finishing, Im not too sure as to what score I might receive. I have no experience to compare my Auditing test against. I do think that I was very well prepared though. I worked through all my Becker MCQs during the previous 48 hours before the exam and was getting 95% on most of the sections.
Now, its on to BEC, which appears to be its own kind of monster. Fortunately, Im a pretty good technical writer, so I am confident I will do well on the written communication section. Ill sit for BEC on August 5th after doing Becker at home.
Ill continue to watch the lectures with the Becker instructors and take notes as I move forward. Im certain that taking notes did a lot of good for me for Auditing and apparently the BEC NINJA notes are great, so Ill have to pick up those from Jeff!
Good sign with the favorite number! Seems like you tackled the simulations surely and steadily. Kudos for not panicking.