Mandy is a Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since September 2011.
What a week I sat for audit again last Monday morning and walked out there with a big “?” hanging over my head. Parts of it I felt great about, but other parts, yowza. I guess that's the best way I can put it.
The week leading up to my test was full of going to the library and sitting in my office doing question after question in my Wiley software. I did so many questions I felt like my head was going to burst.
Sitting first thing Monday for an exam isn't the way that I like to start a week, but when I was done with the exam I got to take an evening off of studying and reward myself by going to the Monday Night Football Chiefs game. There is nothing quite like going to a game, especially not MNF games. The crowd was great, and it was just what I needed to relax myself after the exam. BUT, all great fun must come to an end and studying must begin again.
I've started studying for my REG exam which is scheduled for the end of the month. I'm using one of the Roger CPA Review study plans that are located on the website. It fits my schedule perfectly and makes it so that I know where I need to be in my studying.
I do have to admit I fell behind a bit last week, but I've already started catching up. I'll be watching the lectures online and then doing the questions each night. It is going to be quite the month, but I need to make sure to keep my head focused on the exam while I hope for the best with Audit.
Good luck to you this week if you are sitting for an exam; remember to go into it with confidence. For those of you that are waiting for scores, my fingers are crossed for you!