Tim is a new weekly Club 75 Blogger as he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since April 2011.
That pretty much sums up how I felt leaving the testing facility after taking REG on August 10. I had done all I could do or, at least all I felt I could do in terms of preparation going into the exam. Thousands of MCQs? Check. Countless TBSs? Check.
I felt pretty good with my Becker materials, though the business law portion did give me some trouble. What a difficult transition! Im a tax person, so I love that portion of the curriculum. The law portion, no thank you.
What I wasnt prepared for were questions on the exam having NOTHING do with anything that I had prepared for during my review. Nothing, you ask? Yes, nothing. I know the AICPA considers themselves the gatekeepers of the profession. Well done, AICPA. You successfully kicked that gate shut right in my face. Oh well. Theres always next time, right?
Ive had a hard time recouping after taking REG and getting motivated to study for the next portion. I remember Jeff telling someone in a message board post one day that they needed to start seeing this as an opportunity of a lifetime, not as a burden. That really hit me, and Im attempting to retrain my brain to see this as an opportunity to better myself and provide a better life for my family.
So, heres to us all accomplishing our goals, bettering ourselves, and providing a better life for those we care for. In the meantime, its on to BEC!
Ive been so thankful for Another71.com since beginning this journey. Now, Im happy to chronicle the remainder of my quest with you.
Welcome Tim!