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Enkay 14 years ago

Thanks for the heads up Jeff!

Dan 14 years ago

Does anyone else think that Jeff looks like Jay Cutler? Random thought I thought I should post.

Allyson 14 years ago

Jeff, I'm so glad I got AUD out of the way now. When are you going to get that spare key made?

Jeff - another71.com 14 years ago

I had the spare keys made months ago...I promptly tossed them on a chair in my office. Good place for them.

Tressa 14 years ago

Jeff - Do you think it is even possible to effectively study for AUD and test/pass by the end of Nov? FT job, 2 kids..... Now I am wishing I would have starting AUD sooner!

Taxhappy 14 years ago

It took me 4 tries in 2009 & 2010, but I got it done. Thank goodness because who knows how long it would have taken with the 2011 changes

boy 12 years ago

It seems fnaciainl and BEC are going through significant changes. Audit and regulation do not seem to be very different.