Rebecca is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since June 2010.
I am one month away from my REG exam and this is usually when I do a quick reality check! I am behind a little in the fact that I was hoping to have completed all of the lectures from the Yaeger Home Study this past weekend.
I sort of knew this would be the case between my brothers going away party and my best friends birthday party. I am not far off though; I only have about 4.5 hours left and will get this done over the next two days. Although I am finding the UCC business law chapters to be such a drag!
Once I complete the lectures I will then begin doing MCQs like a mad woman! I am going to study a bit on Friday night which is normally my night off from studying but my best friend had surprised me with NKOTBSB tickets at Fenway Park for Saturday night as a birthday present. You can laugh I am not ashamed of my favorite childhood groups ? We will be rocking the neon clothing and sitting on the Red Soxs field!
What more can a girl ask for! Therefore, I will probably be two hours short on Saturday so I am using Friday night to make it up. My darling husband works till 11 PM on Friday nights so the house will be nice and quiet.
Then when reality kicks back in Sunday morning I will be buckling down and getting a solid day of studying in. My goal is to have gone through at least the MCQs for the first three chapters of taxes in the Wiley book by the end of the weekend.
My plan is to be done with all of the MCQs by June 19th. I am thinking that if I can do this then I have one week to re-write my notes. I have never rewritten my notes but from reading other peoples success stories it seems to be the way to go! I am also debating on getting the Yaeger CRAM too.
Anyone have any thoughts on the Crams?
Well I hope everyone is having a productive week with their study plan and for those anxiously awaiting results good luck to each of you!
Not impressed with the Yaeger CRAM DVDs. I had a CRAM DVD for AUD and BEC and I felt like it went over the same exact things as the regular Yaeger videos. I like the original Yaeger videos and have used them for all of my exams so far but Yaeger CRAM was a waste of money if you already have the original videos.