Virginia is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since December 2010.
Is anyone else feeling like they are just sitting around watching the days slowly pass by on their 18-month window? I am not at all close to losing any parts at this point, but thats how it starts, right? I took REG over two months ago, time that could have been used for studying if need be.
A few posts back I mentioned that I had a dream list of things I want to do when I pass my exam. I took a look at it recently, and had a good laugh. A lot of the items were completely illegible as I scribbled them down under extreme CPA Exam stress and some items just made no sense at all.
For instance, one of my best friends is in the army and is currently deployed. I wanted to make sure I sent her a package when I had a break in my studying. However, my list didnt say send package to Amber it said send package to exam. I am pretty sure the later sounds like a threat! That is certainly not the way I want to pass the CPA exam. 😉
Most of the items on my list I am still holding out on until I find out if I have actually passed or not. I did have a list of chores I put off while studying. I have spent the last few weeks of not-studying building up my chargeable hours at work, getting chores done and really loving the lack of studying. I know now that in about a week (per Jeffs predictions) when scores finally come out I will be in one of two places. The first would be that I am not be done (whether for FAR, REG or both), but I will I have no excuses from studying related to chores or trying to get in more chargeable hours at work. The second would be that I will be able to enjoy some free time, knowing I am done with the exam, chores are done and work is going well. I cant imagine actually being able to say yes to invites, nights out, and just anything but studying.
I generally get really worked up around score release. I want to know my score, but I dont want to know I failed. I have an internal struggle over whether or not I should just look at my score. I generally bring up the state website multiple times and shut it down in complete fear before ever actually looking at my score.
I am registered in Virginia (yes, I know: Virginias registered in Virginia), which is a non-NASBA state, however, Virginia generally releases when NASBA states release. Funny thing is, for nearly two years as a CPA exam candidate, I thought VA was a NASBA state. I would check the Twitter updates for NASBA to see when I could expect scores, and always found my scores on the VA website right when NASBA said theyd be out. It wasnt until last November as I was browsing Another71.com that I found the NASBA state list and was extremely surprised to find that VA wasnt on it. Go figure!
Im trying to spend this last week not going crazy over this long wait for scores. Between work, running and nicer weather, I think I can pretty much keep my mind off of it well, hopefully.
I feel the exact same way as you--I am waiting for FAR and I am extremely nervous about the results. This could seriously be the end. I am done with the other 3 parts of the exam. I have tried to just push FAR out of my mind and focus on work, reading, working out, and house hunting. I have actually lost some weight since I have stopeed studying--THANK GOD and I actually have time to understand my own thoughts. I am praying for a positive outcome.
Virginia, I know 100% how you feel. It's such an agonizing situation. I'm happy that I'm free to work out after work and its exciting seeing all the regular "gym rats" that I use to be familiar with. However, I'm scarred to over do it because if I didn't pass my exams, it will be another two months before they see me again. I've been trying to be more productive with the free time, but "not soo much." It's nothing like I anticipated. I thought I would be "footloose & fancy free." I guess I hate to start something that I may have to ABRUPTLY END. Best of luck to you & keep the posts coming. I enjoy reading them.
I know this may sound crazy but I finished my last test on 2/28. I am also waiting on results. However, I have a really good feeling that I will be taking REG over. As a result, I took about a week off and I have been doing some light studying just in case I am not successful. My thought pattern is to retake the exam as soon as it is available in April and agonize for the results for the next couple of months.
Believe my friend, believe! ;)