Diabolic Diagnostic

04 Jun 2008

My REG Experience

I peeked into the mailbox yesterday and sure enough some spam from some company called “NASBA” was in there.

I opened it up and before I looked (true story) I prayed “God, please make this say that I passed” (or something to that effect). Instead, my eyes zeroed in on some heartless line about “no credit” for the FARE section.

Score: 74 Result: FAIL

I then looked at the diagnostic section and what do you know, the ONE section I decided to watch for the Yaeger Cram as I've previously stated is “Entity Taxation” and I doubled my freaking score from a 40 to an 80.

It was the only thing I studied (spent almost all of my time on BEC) for REG because – heh – afterall, I scored a 74 before and had this thing in the bag.

Wouldn't you know – Ol' Reliable – Individual Taxation, which I scored a 93 on before dropped 30 points.

At that point I said “Get behind thee Satan” and threw it away.

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Emma's mommy 17 years ago

Was this result for FARE or REG?(the taxation reference made me think it was REG)

Either way, that sucks.

Been there, felt the frustration.
Back to the drawing board....

Emma's mommy 17 years ago

Was this result for FARE or REG?(the taxation reference made me think it was REG)

Either way, that sucks.

Been there, felt the frustration.
Back to the drawing board....

Emma's mommy 17 years ago

Was this result for FARE or REG?(the taxation reference made me think it was REG)

Either way, that sucks.

Been there, felt the frustration.
Back to the drawing board....

Emma's mommy 17 years ago

Was this result for FARE or REG?(the taxation reference made me think it was REG)

Either way, that sucks.

Been there, felt the frustration.
Back to the drawing board....

Emma's mommy 17 years ago

Was this result for FARE or REG?(the taxation reference made me think it was REG)

Either way, that sucks.

Been there, felt the frustration.
Back to the drawing board....

Emma's mommy 17 years ago

Was this result for FARE or REG?(the taxation reference made me think it was REG)

Either way, that sucks.

Been there, felt the frustration.
Back to the drawing board....

Emma's mommy 17 years ago

Was this result for FARE or REG?(the taxation reference made me think it was REG)

Either way, that sucks.

Been there, felt the frustration.
Back to the drawing board....

another71.com 17 years ago

Yes - this is my diagnostic for REG...the proverbial thorn in my flesh.

Anonymous 17 years ago

I failed Reg by 2 points the first time i took it. The second time i started from complete scratch. I knew where i had slipped up (partnership taxation in particular) but i still studied as if i had no idea what my weak areas were. I re-took the exam 6 months after the first exam (after busy season) and put in a little over a month and a half. Got a 79. Score would have been higher but i think i got minimal points on two pretty foreign simulation topics but i really nailed the MC. I also failed BEC by 3 points. I started from scratch with that test as well. I felt very confident leaving the exam center and hope for some good news this week or next that i am done with the cpa exam.

I'm glad you threw out your score report; i don't think it helps at all. Just put in the time and pass REG. Don't take anything lightly or anything for granted and you will see the results in July...

Anonymous 17 years ago

The sweet will never be as sweet without the sour!

It's going to be very very sweet for you my friend, when you obtain your CPA.

Elizabeth 17 years ago

I just figure we're somehow building character out of all of this frustration. I know the feeling. Still haven't passed a section and received my score of 74 on BEC last week. heh. Good luck with your next try!