Such a Relief: My Support through the CPA Exam

19 Sep 2016


Kristen Option 2Kristen is a NINJA CPA blogger.


I am very fortunate to have a supportive husband who encourages me to study and is genuinely invested in my success. I consider myself very lucky in this respect.

I hope that everyone has found someone who can be their CPA Exam support system whether it’s a family member, significant other, colleague or friend.

I have found that my husband allows me to share that I am struggling and to express my disappointment in myself when I haven’t passed a section without judgment. That is such a relief. I know he doesn’t understand the difficulty of the exam or the material all that well but he believes with persistence I will get there, just as I do.

Who has been your support through this process?

Were you fortunate enough to take the CPA Exam with a peer or colleague at the same time for motivation?

I hope it’s a good month for everyone!

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