Marc is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hello All,
I officially have one week until my second go around the AUD. I have been taking progress tests and my first final exam and have met with success. I have been consistently scoring between 75-85 on my Wiley MCQs, so I feel pretty good.
I have been struggling the last couple week because I feel like I was prepared to take the test a couple weeks ago. The struggle is feeling like I dont have to study much because I already feel that I know it.
I have to convince myself to continue because I know how quickly things can slip away if Im not continually pounding it into my head.
I planned my test on July 7th which just happens to fall at the end of my month-end week. I think I failed to mention I work at Vera Bradley (just to make the women jealous). I am hoping the I have sufficient time to study that week leading up to my exam. Either way I feel very confident that I will do well and fully expect to pass.
It is not typical for me to be so confident, I usually am fairly conservative in my own assessments, but I think Im going to dominate Audit.
Hope you all enjoyed the dark month while it lasted, time to get back to passing some test!
Same here, I'm taking AUD on 07/07/12, but this is my first time. I also feel confident and I know that can be tricky. I'm using Becker, and I'm planning to do at least 40 MCQ for each section every day until exam day. Maybe I'll go over my notes Friday night. The worst part is going to be the waiting, taking the exam on 07/07, we'll have to wait for almost a month get the results. Good Luck!!