Parth is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Here’s the situation: I recently found out that I got a 91 on REG, and I’m taking BEC – my last remaining section – tomorrow. No pressure, right? Ha, ha!
My BEC studying was derailed for a bit due to finals and graduation. That said, I was able to make my first pass through the material with one week left before my exam date. I used this last week to rewrite the NINJA Notes, practice tons of MCQs, and work though some sample written communication questions.
At this point, I’m about as ready as I’ll ever be to take this exam, and ideally, be done with the CPA Exam!
In my last post, I talked about study tips that revolved around how to retain the material. I’d like to take a different approach in this one.
The instructor from my review course emphasizes the idea that the CPA Exam is a test of endurance and will power more than anything else.
If this is true, then a huge part of passing the CPA Exam revolves around our attitudes and mental fortitude in regards to the material, our study sessions, and exam day itself. Here are some methods that help me keep a good state of mind while preparing for the exams:
1. I listen to music during study breaks. A couple of my favorites are Arjun and The Piano Guys. It might seem counter intuitive to reduce your study time to listen to music, but it can really help during those moments where you lack the desire to look at your review material.
2. I reach out to my parents. I can’t tell you how many times a simple phone call or text message conversation with one of my parents has given me that extra emotional boost necessary to feel like I can take on the world.
3. I take naps during the daytime. Multiple sources have said the most serious health issue that people do not pay attention to is sleep deprivation. Clearly, if you’re one of the many CPA Exam candidates with a full-time job, this action is less feasible. However, getting enough rest can improve your ability to remain resilient through this grueling process.
I hope tomorrow represents the end of my CPA Exam journey. For those of you also taking an exam near the end of this testing window, may the force be with you!
this is gonna help me! good luck to u!
Parth, Can I ask what CPA software you are using?
Thanks Ekta, I felt like it went well..just waiting on my score now! Michael, my main review course is Roger CPA Review but I've supplemented it with the Gleim SIMS and NINJA. The Wiley Test Bank was included with my Roger CPA Review purchase (I don't think it is anymore) so for MCQs I used a combination of WTB and the Roger MCQ platform. I hope that helps!