Sheba is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hello fellow NINJAs,
Its been a few weeks. Right after I sent off the last blog my husband became sick. My allergies flared up and I was having a hard time breathing.
During this time we were finishing up school and that led into graduation season. The last two graduations were on the same day in two different states.
My youngest graduated from 8th grade here in Colorado in the morning and my niece graduated from high school in Arizona later that night. So I took a week of vacation.
When I go home internet is limited. So I used up all the data on my smart phone and then some. I would like to say that it was due to studying but it wasnt.
I did take the NINJA Notes and Audio for auditing on both my laptop and phone. I even downloaded Wiley offline (by the way, I was able to use Wiley quiz on my smart phone). I did study about two hours on the trip.
I am now home and I am going to schedule the Auditing exam for the end of July. I realize that the plan of study first and then schedule when I feel ready is not working. The one thing I learned with the allergies this year is that if I dont see results fairly quickly I need to make some changes to the plan.
My study plan is a living document. If its not working change it.
See you all on the other side!
Sheba A.