Aida is a NINJA CPA blogger.
My BEC score was 74. I'm disappointed, but I am not down and will retake the test in a month.
Unfortunately, now I have to get comfortable with a new exam format so I went to the AICPA web-site to check what the new task-based simulations look like in BEC.
They don't seem hard at all – my only concern is that those tasks could be very time consuming. Each task has additional tabs with “Resources” like some kind of financial statement or a contract.
I believe I failed on my essay section. Multiple choices are something I was comfortable with, but on the essay I concentrated on the content more rather than on keywords and I think that was a problem.
Requesting a re-score is something I considered, but was told that it is not worth it: it costs around $150-$200 and there is 1% chance that you actually will get additional points.
I will keep you updated.