Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger.
I’ve been doing a lot of reading on the Another71.com Forum. I’ve noticed a lot of people talking about how they have no motivation or just feel lazy and don’t want to study. I know that feeling all too well.
I came home with a plan 3 nights in a row and didn’t end up studying because I didn’t “feel” like it.
I’ve been stressed out to the max with everything that’s not the exam and then I have the exam on top of it all.
With everything going on, I have formulated a new plan to hopefully help relieve some stress and just maybe some of my laziness with studying.
I’m going to get my NTS, but I am not going to schedule my REG exam just yet. I have a goal date in mind to take my exam, but no matter what I’ve done in the past I never did as many MCQs as I had wanted.
So this time, I’m spending my time reading and re-reading my [A71 product=”notes”]NINJA Notes, after my first read all the way through, I’m going to add in the MCQ’s.
I refuse to schedule my test until I am trending at least a 70% on my MCQ’s. This way I know for a fact that I am studying as much as I can and actually have a shot of passing this exam.
I figure if I schedule 2 weeks out, those last 2 weeks I’ll be able to raise my score higher than 70% with a good review and feel more comfortable.
I’m hoping this new plan allows me better studying so I’m not stressing about a specific date for my test until the last 2 weeks.
Your plan sounds great. Good luck on your studying...