Things Are Looking Up!

11 Dec 2015


By Key522

Keona2Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger.

I received good news before the holidays. My job will not be affected by the global transformation my company is going through.

The entire accounting department is moving out of the country. Fortunately I work in the FP&A department and my position will stay in the US for now.

This was a relief for me. The CPA exam is enough stress for me. Now I don’t have to worry about my job for now.

I’m totally focus on REG and will revisit AUD after REG. I picked up the NINJA book after Jeff emailed me a sample and I love that it is concise.

My other review book seemed wordier and was harder to understand.

I wish I would have picked up the [A71 product=”books”]NINJA BOOK for my first attempt at AUD but I will definitely pick it up for my AUD retake.

We are also moving my father closer to us after his stroke. Things are looking up for me despite the one point AUD fail.

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Amit 9 years ago

Hi Keona, To which country are they moving all the accounting jobs do you know? Which company do you work for? I'm currently looking for work and if it's moving to my country then I can apply there when it does. Cheers

Melinda Pedem 9 years ago

I am a new beginner study Business Environment and Cocerpts for the exam. I was looking for some study groups.